Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I need to use lists more...

I usually get more shit done if I at least try to be organized.

Summer 2010 List of Things to Accomplish
-Learn how to juggle (I need to add more to my special skills)
-Learn how to play basic guitar because I've always wanted to.
-Maybe learn how to play bass too
-Read a decent amount of plays
-Read at least 20 books from the New York Times Bestseller List
-Try to workout at least 3 times a week
-Barely eat any fast food
-Stretch every day
-Learn how to sing/play a Sara Bareilles song
-Figure out what's wrong with my ipod
-Buy my dorm stuff not last minute
-Eat kind of healthier but don't diet (psh like I ever diet)
-Do a set of songs with me singing and my dad on the guitar
-Get tan (got ittt)
-Be able to do the splits by the time school starts
-Brush up on my Francais
-Add music to my rep binder and organize it
-Reconnect with some old friends
-Keep in touch with friends from school

Hopefully I'll get...half of this stuff done. I don't wanna shoot my expectations too high haha But at least I can't say I didn't give it a shot. I think the whole list is do-able, I'm just going to have to steal some self-discipline from somewhere to do it. Wish me luck. PS hopefully I'll write more, another thing I should add to the list: -Remember I have a blog :P Lata gatas

Summer has finally arrived in Wisconsin and I am lovin it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

So I'm a sophomore now..

I moved back home yesterday for the summer and it still hasn't hit me that I don't live in Chicago anymore. I think once I've unpacked (which is taking forever) I'll realize that I'm in my own room, not a dorm and my own bed, not a twin bed and I don't have a roommate and I can't just go walk down the hall to hangout in my friends' rooms. Those friends aren't here, or anywhere near here. I thought I would be way more emotional saying goodbye to people, but I wasn't. I found that odd because usually I'm an incredibly emotional person. I'm sure I'll become more aware of how long this break really is from people I used to see everyday as time goes on. It's weird to think that I'm going to be a sophomore in college. I feel like freshman year just started. During this first year, I've found out some things about myself, people, and life in general and I think that's the way it should be. If you're the same person from when you started college to when you finish, there's a problem. I've found that college isn't for everyone hopefully it doesn't take those people too long to realize it before they've wasted so much money on it. I just don't get how people can go to college and not think that there's going to be work. Showing up, being attentive, and actually turning things in are the minimum requirements for any school, some kids haven't been doing any of that. It's just such a waste of time and money. Main thing I learned: Performing Arts college is hard. People who don't go to one think that it's really easy, but the big picture is they don't have the talent or the drive to do it. It's just a different forte, same amount of work goes into it though and maybe even then some. I'm so proud of what I accomplished and discovered this year:
-Even though I'm an only child, I turned out to be a pretty good roommate. And I'm so grateful that mine kicked ass and I don't have any roommate horror stories.
-I'm more of a sit back and chill person than a party person. I don't get how university of wisconsin kids do it. I really just like hanging inside with cool people.
-I don't fit the musical theatre major stereotype and I don't want to. People are trying too hard to be overly obnoxious or really drama artsy. There is an in between and that's where I stand. Musical theatre majors can be normal people, there's just some out there who are ruining our rep.
-I want to be in a serious relationship. I just want to know what it's like. I'm not having this wishy washy kind of dating non-exclusive bouncing around crap anymore.
-I'm more organized than I thought. I thought I PROCRASTINATED, no no no, I've never met so many kids who wait till the last minute to do things. I felt so prepared this year.
-I don't try to be friends with everyone and I don't like people that do. You can't please everyone, no two people are alike and you just can't do it because someone's going to get hurt in the end. Not everyone has to like everyone, but people should have a common respect for one another. I don't need r023895023-8964-0312 billion friends.
-I need to build up the confidence to volunteer. I'm really confident when it comes to singing and I'm an okay dancer/mover. But I have no idea what I'm doing in acting; I don't have any training and feel incredibly behind yet my ignorance also allows me to not act like an ass hole know-it-all and I'm fine with that.
-Chicago is one of the most amazing cities on the planet. I can't believe I live there. Anytime I'm outside or look out a window I have to just stop and take it all in. It's phenomenal how much there is to do and see there. I'm in love with it.
-I feel like everyone should grow up and if they have an issue, talk about it. When has it ever worked to talk to everyone but the person you have a problem with or just ignoring it? Never. It's annoying that more people don't do that.
-I eat way too many pizza rolls (NOTE TO SELF-try not to buy any next year. HA, fat chance :P)
-I've been getting along better with guys than girls. Or maybe it's just girls in the conservatory because back home all my true friends are girls. It's just an interesting change.
-I've found some trustworthy people I can have "car talk" with.
-I love performing. I hate when I'm not in a show or not rehearsing. Even though I'm much more stressed, I feel like I'm accomplishing and learning so much more. Hopefully next year I'll have more opportunities to perform.

I've learned a lot; I've done a lot. I can't wait for next year. I'll miss my class and all my friends but I'm sure I'll have fun this summer so I'll be okay. I'll still keep blogging too when I have time/remember/have something to say. Have a great summer everyone :) lataaa.