Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine Shmalentine.

So, it was Valentine's Day, and surprisingly, my day did not turn out that bad. Although I did not share it with that one special person, I shared it with a bunch of special people. I performed with my class as a whole for the last time today in our showcase. I received flowers, candy, and other various things from my parents. I got valentine's from friends. And I saw closing night of the touring cast of August: Osage County in Chicago and it was PHENOMENAL. I've never been so excited to see a show and I've never had my mind blown like that. It was just all around fantastic, it was crazy. I can't even describe how I was feeling at the beginning, middle, and end because the play just evoked so many different emotions and there were huge bombs dropped that I wasn't expecting. Just, wow. And then I came back to the dorm and watched my favorite movie: Superstar while eating my favorite snack: nutella and pretzels with milk. To sum it up, it was a pretty fab day. I found myself saying, "I hate Valentine's Day," and I realized that it's not true. I think the only reason people say that is because we're all jealous of couples out celebrating their togetherness when we're sitting here, chocolate-less and alone. I hope soon to find that special someone that I can plan a whole romantic day with. I mean, people call it a Hallmark holiday, but seriously, who doesn't like getting gifts? If they were gettin something I don't think they'd be complaining. Oh well, maybe next year. I have enough chocolate/candy right now to feed a third world country so I'm going to quit whining about it. I'm so full. Too full to type anymore haha. But PS, Go me, I've kept up with my blog all week :) Anyway, I'm gonna make like a tree and...branch? I don't get that saying, bye.

1 comment:

  1. make like a tree and branch....

    hahahaha it's make like a tree and leaf.
