Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?

Yeah, where you at? I've been reading Cosmo and Seventeen mags since I've been home and every women's magazine always has those quizzes "is he the right guy for you?" "do you have anything in common?" "what's your perfect man like?" so I thought it'd be fun to try to pinpoint my "perfect" man, whatever that is. Warning: I'm extremely picky, even though I don't really think I am...


-is easy on the eyes if ya know what i'm sayin
-can sing or can play an instrument (piano or guitar are preferred, sorry tuba and oboe players)
-i can't cook, which means, someone has to...
-doesn't need to be athletic, I'm okay with him being a lazy bum if he looks good with his shirt off (superficial blah blah every girl has that in the back of her mind when finding a man, believe me)
-doesn't mind that I eat more than him, because most likely, I can and will :)
-can hold an intellectual conversation; doesn't say "like" every other word
-is NOT corny. lame pick up lines and shmoozy overly-romantic "things you only see in the movies" do not appeal to me at all
-does not take longer than I do to get ready, guys look better without hair gel, just a little ff (fun fact)
-doesn't think musical theatre is just a hobby, I need supportive people in my life
-does not use exclamation marks! in texts, I don't know why, but it really creeps me out
-has some love for cats, I mean, the panther is my favorite animal and I have two cats at home so deal with it
-can talk to me, guys always say "ugh I never know what girls are thinking." It definitely goes both ways. I've heard I'm easy to talk to so let it rip, I'm all ears
-CAN MAKE ME LAUGH (now people who know me know that I laugh at everything) but here's the trick, you have to be able to make me laugh but know how to be serious sometimes. I cannot stand guys who turn EVERYTHING into a joke
-isn't a drone that doesn't listen to music (but if you listen to ALL music I don't like...we might have a problem :/ )
-has green eyes and brown hair and a lightning scar on his forehead...whoops, this isn't Hogwarts? But seriously, I don't have a preference on eye or hair color. What am I, a nazi?
-does not judge me, my whole career will be based on people judging everything about me, so I'd like to have one person who likes me for who I truly am if that's not too much to ask
-is close with his family, so I can be too :) since the names of people in my family could fit on the top of a pin
-likes to lay around and watch movies, being comfy is my favorite past time
-has a plan in life, even if that plan is "i don't know what my plan is yet"
-DOES NOT cheat, or likes cheating, or even thinks of cheating, because I don't forgive anyone
-and last but not least, my perfect man is someone who will show me new things. He can't act like he knows everything, because he doesn't and neither do I but we can start to know new things together. That's always fun.

Well...I hope that narrows it down? I know I'm probably forgetting a few things. When people first think of their "perfect" mate, they usually answer with the gushy response of, "i just want someone who loves me" *in a whiny voice* But when you truly think about it, a list of specifics comes to mind on top of just wanting someone to love you. Hopefully this list will help me keep an eye out for perfect men running all around Chicago. Girls are on the prowl just as much as guys. I have been "Perfectly Lonely" as John Mayer would say for awhile now. It's time to buckle down and find someone and by someone I don't mean my groom to be. I just need someone, ya know? You can only be independent for so long. I'll letcha know if I have any luck. But if anyone's wondering if I could compare my list to an actual live person...it would have to be:
Ryan Reynolds
So if any guy who sees this is looking for a point of reference...there he is ;)

Lata gatas.



    Just kidding....But seriously
