Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blizzards blow.

As you know, it was raining on Christmas. NOW the blizzard begins. I like snow, but not this much snow. People who don't know how to drive in snow, just get off the road. That sounds logical right? Don't test out your lack of driving skills when visibility is like 20%. Jesus. Oh, and you don't pump anti-lock brakes guys, that is why they were invented, so you DON'T have to pump them. Did the population of Wisconsin just eat a bowl of stupid for breakfast? Ok, rant done.

So, I spent Christmas day and night at my Nana's house up north. That is always a treat. Besides laughing at the random things she decided to wrap up and give to us (a jonas brothers activity book and popcorn?) , I finished two books in two days. You've Been Warned and Sail by James Patterson. Seriously, go out and read his books NOW. No wonder he is the #1 selling thriller writer of all time. His books are literally the most exciting things I've read. They are starting to make me paranoid though, reading murder mysteries and watching Law & Order: SVU will do that to you. Thinking someone is around every corner about to make a your life a murder mystery. That's why I think I am going to slow down on reading them. I need to just relax and not be in my bed reading about clues a killer left until I'm so tense I have to put the book down. But really, just read at least one of his books, more than likely you'll get absolutely hooked.

Is it bad that I'm a theatre major and I dislike reading plays the most? Shouldn't I love reading them? I found that odd. But then someone told me that plays are meant to be seen not read. That makes sense. I am just a little worried because I abhor reading plays compared to novels. Maybe I just have to find that one play that will change my life or something dramatic like that. Because right now, just opening Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Albee feels like a chore. I'm gonna have to learn to like them because we're required to read one play a week for my acting class. One can only hope I'll magically become a playwright enthusiast.

Well, Edward Albee is calling my name. I'll let you know how it goes if I even like it enough to not just check Sparknotes ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha so i'm the only one following your blog. therefore, i'm gonna pretend like everything you are saying is directed to me. a giant blog dedicated to derek herman.
