Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I know myself better than I thought I did. I knew I wouldn't get to this blog everyday. I really wish I did. Maybe i'll add it to my list of New Year's resolutions.

Anyway, my life as of now described in one word: RELAXING.
I've spent more time in my room reading or watching Law and Order SVU than hanging out with friends. Everyone seems to just want to party their break away. This sounds bad coming from a college student, but I'm just over partying...or maybe I'm just over it with people who go overboard. I really like sitting at home and reading, and just hanging out with people I actually care about. I don't feel the need to go to a party and drink with people I don't even like and be ridiculously fake. It takes too much energy to act like you like someone and it's unfair to both people. Oh and the girls here just try to hard. Try too hard to look good, try too hard to get laid, try too hard to make their lives seem more fabulous than everyone else's. I'm just over it. I can't wait to go back to Chicago and hangout with actual REAL people. Although, I wish my fab five girls could come back with me to school. They are the few girls in this world who don't annoy me, that sounds bad, but it's true :P I love them with all my heart, they made my senior year and summer the most fun I've ever had and ultimately, they just understand me. They're the only reason I don't want to go back to school.
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Ok, so here's how this semester's gonna go: I'm not going to let anyone influence me. If ANY of my fellow students try to tell me what I should be learning and what I should be doing with my life, I'm just going to walk away. I don't need that negativity and egotism. And I'm done hearing people complain and whine. It just puts me in a bad mood and I hate feeling like that. I'm also done with rude people. I don't think I've ever experienced the amount of rudeness that I experienced this semester. If people don't treat me the way I treat them, then they aren't people that deserve to be my friend. I'm living by "fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me." Basically, I'm not taking anyone's shit this semester haha. I am a very good listener and will still be there to listen to the people I care about. But I will not allow people to walk all over me or drag me into their drama. I just want to have the best college experience I can and if people get in the way of that then I'm droppin 'em like a hot potato.

I'm so unbelievably excited to go back to Chicago. I can't even put it into words. I mean, seriously, who wouldn't wanna go back to that?!

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Well that's all for now. Later gators.

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